Thursday, August 20, 2009

I am not crazy anymore.

Ha, yeah right. I am. I just wanted to see if any of you fell for it. So I need to tell you of a story I heard last night. But first I know you all don't know where I'm working right now so I will start off by telling you a little about that. I am building a water tower for a rural water project that will be getting water to Native Americans on the reservation in North Dakota. It is funded by the government. The project includes the new water tower and a water pipe line 80 miles long. It will give the people near the town running water. The only people that have "city" water is the people that live right here in the small comunity and anyone who lives 1/2 mile or more away have to bring a water tank to the town and fill it and bring it back to their house. They put it in a tank that has a pump to have water at their house. Did I mention it is free. They just have to come pick it up. Even the people that live here the water is FREE. I'm not mad about that. My water is free too. I get water sewer and trash disposal free. So I have it pretty good right. I am part Indian 1/32 Sioux I believe.

Now to my story. The engineering firm for our job took me and another guy from my company to dinner. He had a few guys from his firm there and one of the guys was a surveyer for the water line. He stakes out the pipe line then the guys laying the pipe come behind him and lay the pipe. So the other day he was marking where the pipe line will go. He is required to give the land owners notice that they will be accessing there land to lay the pipe. He went to a house to give them notice. The man told him he didn't want them to bring the water line to his house. The surveyer didn't know how to react to that. He told him that he had to bring it to his house it is part of the contract. The guys told him the only way he would let them bring the water to his house is if they paid him a million dollars. He was serious. This is not a joke. He went on to tell about how the guy is mad at the government and wasn't going to be a sell out.

My favorite part of this story besides that he thinks that anyone would bring him a water line for free and he wouldn't have to pay to use it. He thinks someone would give him a million dollars too. Now that would be a good deal. It is that he thinks he is a sell out to have running water in is house and have water at the tap anytime he needs it. If that is being a sell out then I feel really bad for his kids and the life they are living.

No matter how bad of a life you have had or your parents have had every human being should want better for there children and if they don't then something is seriouly wrong with them.

Work harder millions on welfare depend on it.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Caution: If you are sensitive in way I mean any way. Like if you are offended if someone swats a fly and kills it. Or if you are offended if someone doesn't recycle. Or maybe you are offended when someone doesn't put the toilet seat down when they are done using the bath room. Or it could even be such little things that you are offended by like someone not turning off a light in a room when no one is in there. Or Global warming. Or someone honking. Or something like watching T.V.. Or David Letterman. I MEAN ANY KIND OF SENSITIVITY AT ALL. Then please do not continue to read this lame blog.


Thursday, July 9, 2009


OMG. Michael Jackson Died. I just found out and I have been crying non stop for like 10 minutes now and I can't keep hydrated. I have been drinking water non stop just to keep up with my crying. I'm so glad that every media outlet has decided to cover everything about him I can't peel my face away from the TV. I have been TIVOing every station so that if they ever do decide to stop showing all the same clips day after day and night after night then I will still have two or three years of coverage to watch and by then there will be a best of MJ or something like that to get my fix of him I just can't get enough. I am having a hard time coping with his loss I can't sleep I can't go to work I can't even get off the couch. I may never leave the house again. I just want to thank everyone in the media who is making all of this possible with out them I don't know what I would do I guess I would have to get my own LIFE to live.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Wall Street swindler Bernard Madoff was sentenced to 150 years in jail Monday for masterminding an "evil" multi-billion-dollar investment scam that cheated thousands of people around the world. The wife knew nothing of what he was doing. I'm sure this is the truth because for all she knew is that her husband was a very successful businessman and he made lots of money. I can predict the future my guess is that she will be writing a tell all story. Which the husband will tell to her so she can make a book and all the people that he riped off will go buy it. I even bet there will be a movie about it and everyone will go watch it. The biggest scam in the world will become another scam by people buying the book and watching the movie.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Drive OFF

So yesterday I went to get gas at the local gas station. As I walk into the store I heard the two people talking about the car that just got gas and didn't pay for it they were pretty animated about it to say the least if I didn't know what they were talking about I would have thought they were trying to solve a murder. Anyway I have a solution for this problem I will say it as fast as I can because my concrete will be here in 5 minutes and I'm on the computer BLOGGING how lame. So most drivers licences have a strip on the back that has your information on it and if a gas station had the right software they could just have you swipe your licence into where the pump reads credit cards and it would know who was being approved for the gas pump. Then go in and get your drink or whatever else you need then pay. They could do away with all the expensive cameras and the people who are always looking out the window and checking and writing down licence plates and all that jazz it is a simple fix. You're welcome AMERICA I am solving your problems one at a time.