Thursday, July 9, 2009


OMG. Michael Jackson Died. I just found out and I have been crying non stop for like 10 minutes now and I can't keep hydrated. I have been drinking water non stop just to keep up with my crying. I'm so glad that every media outlet has decided to cover everything about him I can't peel my face away from the TV. I have been TIVOing every station so that if they ever do decide to stop showing all the same clips day after day and night after night then I will still have two or three years of coverage to watch and by then there will be a best of MJ or something like that to get my fix of him I just can't get enough. I am having a hard time coping with his loss I can't sleep I can't go to work I can't even get off the couch. I may never leave the house again. I just want to thank everyone in the media who is making all of this possible with out them I don't know what I would do I guess I would have to get my own LIFE to live.


  1. OMG, you are so right! Wasn't it amazing that Discover channel had an exclusive live feed on Bubbles the monkey during the memorial service?! Faves! No one else was thinking about the monkey's feelings!

    And yesterday the local grocery store decided they didn't make enough money off the local college team sports shirts, so they got rid of all of them and put exclusively MJ memorial shirts.

    As if RIP Kurt Cobain shirts weren't tacky enough.

  2. Wow, I didn't know you were so close to MJ! Did you ever visit Neverland?

  3. I go to Neverland every night in my dreams. I was going to pay 10,000 dollars for a ticket to MJ's memorial service but Ebay wouldn't let me DANG I'm pissed.

  4. annoying huh, trying to prop up a pedophile
